
Supercharge Your Data

Supercharging Your Data with Our AI-enabled Platform


Role Based Access Control​

Provide detailed security measures extending to individual Workbenches and their data sources. Role-based access control streamlines.

Automated Intelligence

Automate routine tasks and escalate exceptions with AI and predictive algorithms that are always on, always learning and always synchronised.

Unique Advanced Insights

Make smarter, faster, more accurate decisions across your enterprise through our unique approach to advanced analytics and reporting.

Smart Collaboration

Automatically find the right information and engage the right people to make faster, more confident decisions.

Schema Based Security

Implement a schema-based security that enforces a heightened level of protection in a single cloud repository worldwide.

End-to-End Synchronization

Our digital core allows you to connect all enterprise data into a single or multiple workbenches that drive smart enterprise with Graph.

Scalable, Flexible Data Management

Our digital core lets you add on capabilities with ease, so you can mature and scale at your own pace, without needing any custom code.

Practical, Perpetual Innovation

Work smarter, not harder, with our digital core and implement real-world solutions to your business.

Visualize Data

Quickly see and understand the relationships in your connected data, whether its on-prem or in the cloud, without moving or copying it.

Unified Platform for All

Empowering everyone with Enterprise AI: Data science, IT, and business teams can collaborate seamlessly on a robust platform, unlocking the full potential of enterprise AI. 

AI enabled Design Modal View
AI enabled Explorer View

AI at Enterprise Scale

Extensive enterprise AI presence: The CymonixIQ+ Platform maximises business value with robust data unification, effortless prototyping, and swift production deployments.  

Open and Interconnected

Tailored for the contemporary Enterprise: Featuring an open, AI-centric architecture, the CymonixIQ+ AI Platform seamlessly integrates with current data and ML investments, providing users a unified workbench throughout the entire AI lifecycle. 

AI enabled Data Mapping
AI enabled Workbench

Swift Deployment

Expedites digital transformation​: Unlock value promptly with a platform engineered for accelerated development—achieving speeds up to 26 times faster than alternatives.

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Check out our Use Cases to get some ideas and explore our FAQs to learn it all.
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